That said, WTF? When's the last time a world leader and President of the United States asked, at least what felt like, his much older big brother to come to his defense? With the largeness, in all ways, of Bill Clinton standing slightly in front of the President, it looked like Wally had been called out to rescue that undersized dweeb The Beaver from the meanies bullying him. In my too-many-years-to-count, I've never seen a moment like it. How does one stand next to his older, and far more popular big brother, and still look tough or, at the very least, as though one is still in charge? One doesn't.
Probably for the best, Obama names Clinton to Presidential post. Iowahawk does The Onion one better and writes about the transfer of power from Barack Obama to Bill Clinton. Highlight:
Let's face it, it's obvious I'm in way over my head here," explained Obama. "Anyone paying attention knows I am a disaster waiting to happen, and who can blame them? I mean, just look at the stock market. That's why I think it's in the best interest of the country that I hand over the reins to people who, whatever their ethical shortcomings, at least have a faint clue about what they're doing. Come on, man. I've got a 401-k, too."
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