Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Saga of the NYC Winter Storm No-Plow, Part 3: You're kidding, right?

The head of the New York City Sanitation Department, the department responsible for garbage pick-up all year round, and PLOWING SNOW off NYC streets after winter storms, felt his workers did a great job plowing after the recent record-breaking storm:

"From my point of view, they get an A+. From the public's point of view, a C-," Sanitation Commissioner John Doherty said of the workers...

Really? An A+? Really?

Not only did did Mr. Doherty's department fail to plow the streets after the storm, but his workers have been unable to do their regular garbage pick-ups because...they're finally working on snow removal so they can actually get to the piles of garbage lining the sidewalks throughout the City.

This video was taken on December 30th and shows the piles, piles and more piles of garbage piling up (with a short, lovely interlude of the skaters at Rockefeller Center and a couple of under-dressed woman heading into the MTV studios).

Remember, this video was taken on December 30th, three days after the storm ended. Garbage pick-up didn't even begin until January 3, two days ago, and it's still a huge problem in many parts of the City, except for the rats, of course. Understandably, the rats give the sanitation workers an A+ and additional points for extra credit.

It seems to me that:

* if the sanitation workers deliberately screwed up the plowing job they were supposed to do after the big storm, they should be fired because they didn't do the job they are paid to do,


* if the sanitation workers did the best plowing job they were capable of after the big storm, they should be fired because they couldn't do the job they are paid to do.

But that's just me.


Some people did enjoy the storm, as it turns out.

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