As it became clear towards the end of summer, 2008, that Barrack Obama was both a true statist and headed towards winning the election, I started to really support him. I felt it was time to 'take it all the way' with leftist policies rather than the 'death by a thousand cuts' baby steps towards the same end if John McCain won the election. I had faith that there would be push-back if President Obama carried out his campaign promises. A couple of days after the 2008 election I wrote this hopeful email of hope to a few close friends:
It's the Dawn of a New America & I'm viewing the future as potentially a huge opportunity, the best in years given Bush's support of soft Socialism & Clinton's 'centralist' governing, to motivate more people to act out against what a lot of us are assuming will be a more radical move to far left policies.
"Acting out?" Yup. And this morning I came across a surperb and appropiately emotional recounting of the evolution of the Tea Party via instapundit, addressed to those who so viciously attacked Tea Party supporters. While you may not agree with everything, the author gets it right. My favorite pull quotes:
Except, that to emplace your policies and “vision” requires the consent of the people. You can not hire enough guards, build enough prisons, operate enough courts to entrap and control the whole population of these (for-now) united states. It only takes a small percentage of dissenters, non-conformists and cascading acts of strategic civil disobedience to bring your entire command-and-control crashing all around you. Decapitating by legal and tax retributive means, a few titular heads of the resistance, will only serve to strengthen and embolden the diffuse movement. Look back at how the Solidarity movement was organized and how it ultimately prevailed before you declare Victory.
Your side has chosen to engage in a low-level, asymmetric campaign for decades. Deceit, dishonesty and exploiting the mechanisms of state have been your weapons.
Unfortunately for you, you can no longer hide and your methods have been revealed and exposed for what they are.
You were jubilant November, 2008. You strutted, you crowed, you reveled.
Except for one thing. You misunderstood the battlespace. You failed to recognize the numbers who stayed home rather than vote for a progressive RINO like McCain. You misread the temperment of the people, who wanted an end to the theft, the lies, the spending, the corruption and the deceit. Instead, you doubled down.
The people went underground. Everyday work folk, alarmed at the rising tide of tyranny and the rhetoric of hate, weary of the false accusations and the lies, joined the libertarian and conservatives and forged an underground resistance. The town halls in that raucous summer were not an aberration – they are the new norm. Get used to it.
Word spread – from uncensored blogs, to private e-mails and forwarded commentary, meet-ups large and small, the resistance grew and strengthened. There were gatherings of the clans across the nation. The movement began to grown organically, a leadership structure evolved, and a long term plan developed.
"Burn down the house."
And finally, addressing what she calls Hopeium addicts, she clarifies the new post-election rules.
now you want to petition for peace?
now you cry out for civility and consensus?
I have a message for you:
Go. To. Hell.
Read the whole post a very loud voice.
She gets it exactly right, especially in tone, although I have a feeling this declaration of intent will still outclass the discussion coming from the other side.
HT to zombie
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