Sunday, November 21, 2010

Movies and more movies...

This weekend was all about movies.

First up was the latest Robin Hood with Russell Crowe.

Any film that begins with the words,
                                In times of tyranny and injustice
                                    when law oppresses the people,
                             the outlaw takes his place in history...

is going to be good, and Robin Hood is good. Maid Marion is the original Sarah Palin but with a better accent. Paying high taxes to support foreign wars, her farm failing, Marion stands up to the swarmy Sheriff of Nottingham without fear, more than ready to head to the nearest Tea Party rally. High point: when Robin Hood is almost rewarded for returning the fallen King Richard's crown to the Queen, the reward is snatched back because his father owes back taxes. A little too much mumbling by RH, but the movie hits all the right points.

Then it was a bit of Idiocracy, one of the all time most important movies ever made. If we're not careful, this is our future.

Netflix has a great selection of documentarys; I have a ton of them lined up for my Wii. I finally watched Michael Moore Hates America, premiering back in 2004. Taking off on Moore's film Roger and Me, film maker Mike Wilson interviews several of the people from that film who were used, according to them, by Moore to back up his agenda while, throughout the movie, he unsuccessfully tries to set up an interview with Moore. It plays out as expected but does a good job exposing Michael Moore's hypocrisy and dishonesty. High point: after a confrontation between Wilson and Moore in front of a large audience, Moore's supporters tell Wilson Moore didn't address his questions and should have done so.

Street Fighter, the story of Cory Booker's campaign for the office of Mayor of Newark, NJ in 2002 is excellent but tough to watch, just as good as Robin Hood with its battle of good vs. evil. Uber dirty politics, a good lesson for anyone considering running for office. Low point: watching what the opposition pulled during the final two days of the campaign. Cory Booker is someone to watch as he battles to end the ingrained cycle of failure in Newark. He has partnered with now NJ Governor Chris Christy over the years to bring sanity to Newark, and is now at the head of a huge effort to reform the Newark public schools, helped by a $1,000,000 donation from Facebook's Mark Zukerberg.

And finally, Who is Harry Nilsson (and Why is Everybody Talkin' About Him?), the little known story of a great musician. I loved Harry Nilsson's music. Still do, in fact. He had a wonderful voice and had an equally wonderful way with words. High point: the music.

A nice respite from watching T&A youtube videos.

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