Yup, the good old ethanol subsidy is due to expire next month, offering the perfect first test for the reborn small government Republicans in Congress.
Hmmm, do I keep the farmers who have enjoyed this perk for God knows how long for no good reason (environmental or otherwise) happy ~ or do I make good on what I said right after the election...we have to pull back the size and power of the government? Crap. I know I put those balls somewhere.
EVEN Al Gore thinks the subsidies should end. And he gives away the real reason why he supported them in the first place.
He linked his own support for the original program to his presidential ambitions.
“One of the reasons I made that mistake is that I paid particular attention to the farmers in my home state of Tennessee, and I had a certain fondness for the farmers in the state of Iowa because I was about to run for president.”
The same old, same old ~ meaningless government program to buy votes to gain more power to start more government programs to buy more votes to gain more power to start more government programs...Lordy, it never ends.
But what about ethanol being GREEN? Even Mr. Gore says it was close to useless.
Aside from the cost ethanol adds to each gallon of gas we buy, the EPA has decided to increase the percentage of ethanol blended with gas, from 10% to 15%, which will throw auto manufacturers into a tizzy because engines aren't designed for that level of the additive. An increase of ethanol will drive mechanics (and the AAA) insane. Any environmental benefits are unfounded, as even Mr. Gore concedes.
So, how about it, all you born-again small government types? Or will you revert to your old children-of-the-corn ways?
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